Wednesday 10 June 2009

Here is my first Apliance review.

Right, it seems to be a fad to analyse inanimate objects so I thought I'd join in. It was a hard decision to do but I've chosen to analyse something I'm quite knowledgable about. The SA8O assualt rifle. Used soley by NATO forces, the rifle is one of the most reliable of it's kind. It's chances of a stoppage is one round for ever 3000, where as the AK47 that those pesky terrorists are using stop ever few seconds.

Right, I am ofcourse not going to analyse this item, as I know out of all the people who will view this, only myself could give a toss, so I will now do my proper analysis on a a normal door handle.
Right, firstly, they are completely and utterly useless unless the door is closed. And I hold my hands up for leaving doors open, and I can't be the only one. Also, I've noticed that most doors i've gone through recently do not really necesitate using a door handle, and they can be pushed even from their closed position. This is soley because age as made the opening mechanism loose strength, making the door a simple push and pull door.

So, what I've covered so far is that unless it's brand new and the door is closed, it's pretty useful, but if neither one of those things happen, it's rendered useless.

Let alone if it has pretty colours or not ¬.¬

Tom Wood's ratings: coolness 100/100

My rating scheme: Usefulness 3/10 (only about 33% of the time do we actually need door handles)
'Coolness' 1/100, I've met cooler seagul shits.
design : 1/10, It's pretty basic.

Ricky and the Pigeons?
Oh and Jamie, for this most recent of paintball trips.......GLOIN?

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